Saturday, April 27, 2013

Chunky Fart Fluid with Processed Tube Steak and Corn Chips with Coagulated Bovine Secretions

Time: Longer than you think

Feeds: 3 or 4 minions

The shit:
  • 8 beef brats
  • 8 soft tortillas
  • 2 cans of chili with beans
  • 1 onion, raped with a knife
  • A fuckton of hot sauce
  • 4 cups of corn chips (Fritos)
  • 2 cups sharp coagulated bovine secretions
  • Canola in a can

The Ceremonious Killing:

Preheat your hatebox to 400 degrees.  Go ahead and sear off the goddamn brats over the coals of Charon.  Next, roll them up into the tortillas.  Place the dressed up meat sticks into a casserole dish, which has been sprayed beforehand with canola in a can.  Layer with about a cup of corn chips, then chili, then onion. Repeat until you’re out of shit to cover it with.  Top with the coagulated secretions.  Cover with foil and execute in the hatebox for 35-45 minutes.  

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